God gave us an effective tool for equipping His Church. Help to spread it!

Would you like to see a Church in revival? A Church that obeys God and has the courage to follow him? Kairos Course is a part of it. We have testimonies of people who have participated in the course. Please see what the participants of the ONLINE Kairos share below in the video.

In order to keep offering the Kairos Course for a reasonable price, we need to be able to cover a cost for translation of materials in the total price of 2500 EUR.

All other financial support will be sent to the development account of Kairos which is covering the growth of this course, for example by translating further teaching material or by covering the registration fee for those that cannot afford to pay it.

Become a part of this movement that is changing the world.

Support the Kairos Course in Slovakia now.

On the mission account of Jozef Brenkus: SK1411000000002621481512
Reference: Fond Kairos

I am sure you have heard about the Kairos Course before and some of you have even attended the course. How did the Kairos Course reach Slovakia?

In the spring 2018 our family returned to Slovakia from the mission field and later the Brenkus family returned as well. Jozef and Roman got the possibility to attend the Kairos Course in Budapest in October 2018. They were not entirely sure what they had signed up for but before attending the course they were shared a desire to create a course in Slovakia about world mission. During the course they realized that there is no need to create anything new. Kairos Course is an internationally acclaimed course that was created based on valuable material that is being used in many theological institutions. It is called Perspectives of Mission. The best part is that this course is not just about a foreign mission, but it is such an example of God's love for lost people, whether in Slovakia or on the outermost islands. Read more.